

Monday, May 7

Low Key Weekend

H was feeling a bit under the weather (small virus!) so we had a pretty low key weekend. I was debating whether or not to take her to the doctor... (new mom syndrome) and decided on a quick trip to the Acute Care Clinic on post Saturday morning. The doctor definitely smirked when I told him her symptoms, o well. Better safe than sorry! She was feeling better by Sunday.

Here is us at the clinic... Usually I don't take photos like this but it was for Will.

I decided to treat H to some brunch to celebrate a good doctor's visit! She loved the women next to us.... Thank goodness they loved her too! (yes we had a necessary outfit change with her virus.. yikes. in fact that was a four outfit type of day... life of a baby) 

Also, I have posted this before, but boy oh boy does H love to push shopping carts. It is definitely one of her favorites.. along with dogs, her poodle blanket, and sophie. Today she was " so helpful pushing" at the Commissary.  I am not sure if I should encourage this habit.. she adores it but phew, it is difficult to shop with all the "help".

and speaking of which... Sophie is still very much a part of our life. That silly little giraffe travels everywhere with us.

We hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm a new follower from Kelly's Korner. Feel free to follow me as well :)
