

Friday, May 11

Girly Girl

I actually don't know if H will be a girly girl... of course I would adore to have that in common (cough, shopping) but more than anything I want her to embrace whoever she wants to become... Tom Boy? Animal Lover? Girly Girl? Nerd? Gosh the possibilities are endless but I am confident she will figure it out.

Today was a girly girl's day and perfect diversion from everyday life; my wonderful friends/neighbors went on a shopping trip down to the BEST mall in Hawaii. The Ala Moana. Seriously it has every store imaginable and is outdoors; perfect combination of wonderful weather and great shopping. If it was a bit closer, I would be there everyday. Good thing we live closer to the North Shore than Honolulu..(at least for our wallets).  H was so thrilled to spend the day with Jocelyn and Margaret; she loves them and they are beyond sweet with her.

I love this last picture. Both girls so happy! 

anddd I can't even believe it! H is 8 months old. Here is the sweetest girl in her big girl jammies!



  1. Stopping by from Kelly's Korner! I also have a little girl, who is exactly 1 month older than H! Kate was born August 10, 2011. Little girls are the best, and I am also hoping that Kate has at least a LITTLE bit of a girly girl to her too! Sports, books, etc... that's all good too, but I'm definitely sticking bows in her hair every day. :) Nice to "meet" you.

  2. Stopping by from Kelly's Corner! My son Aiden was born on Sept 11th...our kiddos are 1 day apart! Harper is such a sweetie!

  3. Found you through Kelly's Korner. Your little girl is so cute! My daughter is 9 months old and I love finding blogs with kids close to her age.

  4. Kelley- our girls are just a month apart! So neat. Love your blog and sweet Kate! Your adoption story is amazing.. Can't wait to follow your blog!

    Heather- love that Aiden and H are the same age! These babies are such a joy!!

    Stephanie- I love following kids the same age too! I love seeing them all hit different milestones. I love eight months... can't wait for nine! So many big changes!
