

Sunday, April 21

Honolulu Zoo

Guess who are the newest members of the Honolulu Zoo?? We are! The Honolulu Zoo is seriously the cutest "smaller" city Zoo full of tons of cute keiki (means children in Hawaii) exhibits; they also have pretty much all of the "main" zoo animals... Lions, Tigers, Bears, Monkeys, Elephants, etc. It is sorta crazy to think that someone had to transport a Giraffe or Elephant across the ocean which makes it all the more impressive that they have all of their zoo animal bases covered! It is also located right in Honolulu with beautiful views of Diamond Head surrounding it and it is very affordable. If you live in Hawaii or are just visiting with kids, definitely check it out!

We decided to become members because the Zoo is a great activity year round for H and I (and Will when we go on the weekends!) and now we have free admission! We never have to worry about cold weather or snow etc. I am also excited to participate in some of their special "Keiki" activities throughout the year; it seems they have tons of great toddler mommy and me events going during the summer and also around Holidays! We just missed a big Easter Egg hunt at the Honolulu Zoo but cute, cute. They even have a monthly camping event in the Zoo.... although H is way too young for that (and I am not super keen on camping) but if we had older kids how cool would that be! This was our second time going and H loved it even more than the first. As she gets older and older I think it is the perfect Toddler outing.

H is seriously fearless and obsessed with animals. 
So she decided just to sit and chat with this goat. Funny girl. 

Okay so Will and I (also) actually really enjoyed watching the "bigger" animals. 
We were lucky enough to be there bright and early during breakfast time 
so in every exhibit all of the animals were out eating!


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