

Monday, April 8

Bellows Beach Day

Guess what is the best part about living in Hawaii? Going to beautiful breathtaking beaches whenever you want... Some people save their whole lives to come here.. and we live here. Pretty lucky. Bellows is one of my favorite beaches on the island.. In fact, it actually might be my favorite. It is a military only beach run by the Marines.. aka fabulous views and pretty private. There are also rarely ridiculous waves which is perfect for a tot baby. Overall a wining combo. (the only downside is it is on the other side of the island.. aka 45 minute drive. since we have become islanders our perception of driving is very screwed and 45 mins seems like practically crossing state lines on the mainland... funny I know). Anyway we decided to make a day of it this weekend. We started out going to a famous breakfast place on the windward side; on a scale of 1 to 10, I would give it a 5. It was good but not fabulous. We then spent the rest of the morning at the beautiful beach.. and went home just in time for a nap time drive. Perfect morning.

I used my beach camera for these photos. Since our last camera "died" from a bad sand incident we use the waterproof one for beach excursions. They are a bit fuzzy but o well.

(okay I had to post this photo because it is hilarious. The older couple came and asked can we take a family photo of you 3... this is what we got! Isn't that so kind and so funny!)

and a video. I love taking videos. H loves running in and out of the waves. So cute. 
(I apologize for my annoying commentary)


1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Thanks for linking up with us!
