

Sunday, April 14

Book Worm

So far our weekend has been full of rain, wind, and more rain. Honestly in Hawaii sometimes a rainy day is a welcomed break from the endless (lovely but intense!) sun.. but it does make for longer days with a very active 1.5 year old.

Yesterday was the quarterly "Yard Sale Mania" on post... phew, both a fascinating and intense morning; usually I'll walk around our neighborhood half heatedly looking at peoples stuff but I rarely come back with any "finds"; however we were on a mission this time. While Will was deployed we had lawn service, which I SO appreciated and saved me the hassle of mowing our tiny lawn (side note- I am by no means anti mowing a lawn.. but with a baby alone it was one less worry). Anyway... our yard is SO small and we don't need anything fancy so we drove around post and found a great little mower for 20 dollars. It was a bargain... because believe me, at Lowe's there is quite a Hawaiian markup for those little machines. It is PCS season (in Army moving) so the yard sales were FULL of stuff; people become desperate getting rid of stuff in Hawaii because we have a crate weight limit when we leave for the mainland.. Overall success with our mower. We spend the rest of Saturday with some friends who came over for dins!

Our little lady has a new obsession.... Books. I am SO happy she loves books. Although she can't read, she is completely fascinated by the pictures.

Right now her favorites are the DK series. They are full of real pictures with one word; there is no plot...It truly is a picture book. We have a touch and feel version, a farm version, and first words... but there are countless versions. As she becomes more interested in "topics" I will certainly be ordering more. For any new talker I think they are perfect. She is obsessed!

and each night before bed we read 2 books. I would love to read more but H has a pretty minimal attention span right now. I try to rotate books each month or we can caught in root of the same book over and over. Not the worst thing, but we do like to change it up. For April we are on a Eric Carle kick. Our current favorites are The Hungry Caterpillar and Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? I LOVE the pictures. Amazing.

What are your favorite children's books? Childhood books? We are always looking for new ideas!


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