

Wednesday, February 1

The Petite Lady

We finally had Harp's four month appointment; although she is almost five month, we had to switch from Tricare South to Tricare West with the move (Tricare is the army's health insurance). Between the back up in pediatrics and switch from Alabama to Hawaii, we were a couple weeks behind. Anyway, she is healthy, strong, and very petite! I wasn't super surprised since I knew she was still wearing 3 month clothes.The doctor assured us she is growing great for initially being a 6 pound baby; anyway, she is 12 pounds and 25 inches long. 

By far the worst part in the shots... I think any mom can vouch for that. I hate shots, blood, and medical stuff in general, but I know I need to work on it; I would hate to pass on my irrational fears to Miss Harps. Here is the little lady after shots with her leg band-aids. She seems happy, but believe me... a post shot meltdown was in her near future. 

Also... my house has been taken over by the army! 

At least we don't have any furniture so there is lots of space for sorting, organizing, etc. Will has been issued gear for his upcoming deployment. Ek.



  1. Hi Miss Allie! It looks like we both have petite little ladies! Juliana was 11 11 at her 4 month, and the shots were HORRIBLE! J did great with her 2 month shots, but she was cranky for 2 days after these 4 month ones. I so wish we and our babies could hang out...J is loving playing with other babies right now!

  2. Oh, and I LOVE Harper's outfit! I can't wait until it's warm enough here for summer clothes and bikins!
