

Wednesday, February 22

Army Harp

We have a sad week ahead of us with Will leaving; he is busy packing... they really do require tons of gear. We are trying to spend tons of time together and enjoy the last couple of days. Harps was happy to help.

She was so thrilled to be in daddy's sleeping bag; she felt like such a big girl.

I love this age; so happy and always smiling. She is definitely busy playing with toy and rolling everywhere but still not crawling. She loves to laugh and is starting to interact with other babies. She is just a happy little lady.

I have also been meaning to post this forever. The Hawaiian alphabet is only 13 letters with tons of vowels; I usually try and pronounce every city, etc but at moments it is definitely challenging. Although we live in the United States, sometimes it all feels very foreign/islandy. This especially comes into play giving directions. This is the street you turn off of onto ours...  

Ha. It is literally impossible to say.

Happy Wednesday!


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