

Monday, March 4

This past week in photos!

Well this is a random posting but it does showcase some of our week! I was helping with a baby shower "sprinkle" this weekend. It was super fun! Anyway, Harps and I had to take a trip to Party City and look what we found! The funniest plastic Elmo hat. It was an immediate must have for a 17th month old I know..

Afterwards we headed to music. This month the theme is trucks and tools; needless to say, Harps was so thrilled since we don't have many in our house. Can you believe she has been in this class over a year?! Where is time going?!

 and... I am obsessed with Thai food right now! This restaurant is seriously the best.. the owner Opal originally had a food truck and he had so much success that he opened this "hole in a wall" restaurant. He usually asks what you want and just creates based on that! Everyone who visits the North Shore must go here.. If you like Thai food. 

How do you get a Toddler to eat veggies?! Veggie Pizza... This is something my old cook from my sorority house use to make... Just pizza dough cooked with cream cheese spread on top and veggies! Super easy! (And at least there are some veggies!)

and.... Peep season is upon us! For those of you who don't know me, Peeps are my absolutely my favorite! Anyway these are new version... Giant bunnies. Delic

and our park adventures. We LOVE the park and go everyday. I mean we live in Hawaii after all!

and baby Dare Devil.  She has no fears... I suppose that is both a good and bad thing!

Anyway, random random post.

Happy Monday!


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