

Friday, January 13


Wow! I started this blog on September 6th, 2011 and here I am.. four months later. Phew, it has been a whirlwind. We welcomed our beautiful daughter Harper on September 10th, my husband graduated flight school we moved away from our first home (Fort Rucker, Al),  and we moved to Hawaii (while surviving the 12 hour flight with a four month old) just last week!

Although we have just been in Hawaii from a week, we know Will is deploying to Afghanistan in February for a year. It is a lot to digest right now but I have faith it will work out. As for this weekend, we are going to enjoy the island life and figure our way around. Since the Inn at Schofield Barracks (Post) was full, we are staying in Honolulu. Lucky us, right? We are attempting to figure our housing; all I can honestly say is "more on that later" because we don't even know.

Anyway, lots of logistics. We are loving the climate.

We went from this-

 To this! Our sweet Harper enjoying the Hawaiian Sun.

xoxo, allie

1 comment:

  1. Aloha:)
    Welcome to Hawaii. We are also in Hawaii on big island. My husband is a black hawk mec and is in Iraq right now. We are from Texas. Look for the whales you will love them.

