

Sunday, November 3

Weekend Recap

Can you believe I am blogging again, weird right. After such a long hiatus I seem to be getting back in my groove. Here is a bit of a weekend recap.

1. We went to the beach on Saturday.... Harp's fav beach- Ko'Olina Lagoons. She is def a beach baby and was totally meant to spent her "babyhood"/"toddlerhood" in Hawaii. She also adores her new sunglasses; can you tell?

2. All of the stores here on Oahu already have tons of Christmas Decorations up... Normally I am very against buying Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving buttt last year ALL of the Christmas Lights sold out on the island. Just like this year Pumpkins and Candy Corn were very challenging to find towards Halloween. I guess we get a limited supply all the way out here in the Pacific. Ha. Either way, I am doing a Christmas Light inventory this week to ensure we are stocked up.

3. Speaking of Holidays, Will's battalion had their Fall Festival on Friday. It was super cute... Hay rides, Pumpkin Patch, Arts and Crafts, Games, Bounce Houses and More. Will's company was tasked with a Cupcake Station. I helped out with that while Will and Harps enjoyed the festivities. Can you guess what our girl did the wholeeeeee time? Played in the petting zoo and fed the ponies. She loves loves loves animals. Thankfully the owners were very nice about her overfeeding all of their pets! And don't worry it was raining the whole time but she didn't care!

4. Will has flown the last couple of weekends. There was a bad fire on base (far away from any houses/facilities) and the Chinooks have helped put it out. We miss him but he seems to be enjoying being a temporary firefighter.

5. I have not been eating any sweets. This pregnancy sweets have been the last thing on my mind. Believe me, anyone who knows me well would think this is super odd. I usually LOVE LOVE cookies, cupcakes, chocolate etc. I seem to be more into meat, fruit, yogurt, eggs, etc. Ha, I guess the latter is healthier.

6. We are headed to the mainland in a couple of weeks for Thanksgiving and we are all SO excited. I can't wait to see family and enjoy some Fall weather!

7. I just discovered this brand this weekend.   Such adorable children's clothes.

8. I have officially stopped running this week. It just too much... I know some people run all throughout their pregnancies but it is not for me. I will start again in March/April! I am walking a couple of miles everyday... and chasing a Toddler so it will have to do for the next 20 ish weeks. However, this weekend was the New York City marathon (something I hope to do someday) and one of my best friends from high school ran it!! We are proud of you Jenn!

9. Last week I worked on a little DIY project for our "playroom". Space is very limited in Hawaii and our house is starting to feel a bit small for our family. Anyway, I added some book shelving in our playroom area to help keep Harp's book collection more organized. I just ordered these from Ikea and painted them. Easy, easy project.

10. Harps is becoming quite a "mama" these days. She loves her babies. 

Hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend!


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