

Tuesday, January 1

Zoo Day

Harps and I have been waiting to go to the Honolulu Zoo until Will was home... so we spent Friday morning chasing Harper Girl as she ran from animal to animal. I was actually super impressed with this smaller scale zoo... it has plenty of animals (for an island!) and a separate area called the "Keiki Zoo" that is designed for Toddlers. It looks recently renovated and perfect for a growing one year old. We spent hours petting the goats, running through fish glassed tunnels, and watch the elephants squirt water out of their trunks (a real thrill for a toddler). We are definitely going to become members and make the zoo a regular outing.

(every girl needs her own zoo dress!) 

(her favorite activity by far.. goat petting; these goats were shockingly nice...
I have a feeling they get lots of pets!)

 (I can't tell you how happy I am that Daddy can now do some tunnel runs with H lady)

(fish tank)

(zoo baby)


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